Plan Your Visit


Sunday - 9:30AM Worship | 10:35AM Kid's Singing & Bible Drill | 10:45AM Bible Class | 3:00PM Worship & Study | Wednesday - 7PM Bible Study

Come See Us!

We are simply a group of people who want to honor our Lord Jesus Christ and encourage each other to grow in our walk with Him.

What are your services like?

We sing, pray, read the Bible, observe the Lord's Supper, listen to the preaching of God's Word, and study the Bible together in our services and assemblies. Our aim is to worship God as the Bible instructs the Lord's church in the New Testament.

What should I wear?

We are more concerned about you and your presence with us than we are with what you wear. As a church, we gather to worship the Lord and want to dress in a way that honors God. Most of our members wear something in the range of business formal to business casual.

Can I plan a visit or a personal Bible study session?

Yes! Please email us at  or call/text our minister, Lance Taylor at 256-777-0990 at your convenience.